Finding a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP): Tips and Resources.

Blog / / Finding a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP): Tips and Resources.
Finding a Abuse Professional

SAP (Substance Abuse Professional) evaluates employees who violated an alcohol plan and DOT drug requirements. Finally, Family Planning NSW Ltd stipulates in its SAP that the SAP can also suggest education, follow-up testing, treatment processes, and aftercare.  

Your role as a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is crucial in limiting risks to public safety, especially for people in places where DOT standards apply: driving, operating trains, planes, etc.

You can also get Online counselling in this digital era.

The guidelines presented for SAPs show how grave your responsibility is to assess and help the offenders.

Here’s a summary of the key responsibilities and procedures involved:

Role & Responsibilities of SAP:

  • Advocacy for Public Safety:

As an SAP, you do not have to state all the employer’s or employee’s rights but must ensure everyone’s safety. Now, it is your responsibility to determine whether the employee is fit to resume safety-sensitive activities.

  • Evaluation and Recommendations:

Whenever an employee records a positive for drugs or alcohol or even refuses to take a test, they are to be referred to a SAP. From the evaluation, you will receive advice on education, treatment, further tests, and aftercare.

  • Compliance with DOT/FMCSA Regulations:

The FMCSA must evaluate drivers, and your company’s readiness to allow the driver to resume safety-sensitive duties must be clearly outlined. This encompasses providing FMCSA Clearinghouse on the completion date of the assessments as well as successful treatment plan compliance.

The SAP Process

Initial Evaluation:

The process starts with identifying an employee and assessing them through an on-site interview. This includes:

  • Physical and psychological assessment:
  • Discussion on their previous employers

The following evaluative criteria have been considered:

  • The proper level of treatment should be decided, and ASAM criteria should be used to make the decision.
  • After the occupational therapy assessment, the SAP will suggest further education, a course of treatment, and any further services that will be needed.
  • SAP is short for Substance Abuse Professional, which evaluates employees who violated an alcohol plan and DOT drug requirements. Finally, Family Planning NSW Ltd stipulates in its SAP that the SAP can also suggest education, follow-up testing, treatment processes, and aftercare.

The role you play as a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is crucial in limiting risks to public safety, especially for people in places where DOT standards apply: driving, operating trains, planes, etc. The guidelines presented for SAPs show how grave your responsibility is to assess and help the offenders. These subordinates have been punished for violating the rules regarding drug and alcohol use to return to work without risks to their lives and well-being.

After the evaluation, they can recommend Anger Management therapy according to your mental level.
Here’s a summary of the key responsibilities and procedures involved:

Clearinghouse Reporting

  • SAP Registration:

SAPs must register and create an account in the FMCSA Clearinghouse, which is used to report the progress of drivers undergoing the return-to-duty process.

  • Key reporting elements:

—Initial Assessment: The date of completion must be reported to the clearinghouse by the next business day.
—Compliance and Eligibility for RTD Testing: Once the employee has successfully complied with all treatment and education requirements, this must be reported to the Clearinghouse the next business day.
—Employer’s Role: The employer must also report the results of the negative RTD test and any follow-up tests required by the SAP.

SAP Referral Guidelines

  • Avoid Conflicts of Interest:

The SAP cannot refer the employee to their own practice or a location where they have a financial relationship. Referrals can be made to public agencies or treatment providers that meet the individual’s healthcare benefits and financial resources.

  • Tracking and Follow-up:

You are responsible for ensuring the employee adheres to the prescribed treatment plan and monitoring their compliance with the required follow-up testing. It can extend up to five years, depending on the current situation.
If the SAP has recommended to the person Court Ordered Anger management to build intrapersonal skills, they also have to look after the process until it is completed.

Substance Abuse Professional’s Duties

Initial Assessment Planning:

  • Assess the type of violation (drug- or alcohol-related).
  • Gather necessary documentation (e.g., releases, work history).
  • Understand the employee’s benefits and financial resources.

Follow-up Assessment:

  • Evaluate the employee’s progress in treatment and determine further steps.
  • Recommend a follow-up testing programme that is mandatory during the first 12 months and may extend to 60 months.


  • Communicate with the employer and other relevant entities about the employee’s progress and eligibility for return-to-duty testing.
  • Ensure documentation of all steps in the treatment and testing process according to the DOT/FMCSA regulations.

SAP Duties in the Return-to-Duty Process

  • Create a Reference File:

Document all necessary information, including the employee’s personal details, history, and releases.

  • Monitor Treatment:

Ensure the employee follows the treatment plan and stays compliant with required follow-up testing.

  • Report Compliance:

After confirming successful compliance with treatment, you must report the employee’s eligibility for RTD testing and final return to work to the employer and the clearinghouse.

  • Education and Treatment Recommendations:

Based on the assessment, the SAP will suggest appropriate educational and therapeutic resources. This can include outpatient treatment, therapy, or other resources that align with the ASAM criteria.


In essence, your job as a SAP is to provide a comprehensive, objective evaluation of the employee, ensure they receive the necessary treatment, and oversee their progress to ensure that when they return to safety-sensitive duties, they are fully capable of doing so without endangering public safety. This process is essential in maintaining the integrity of safety-sensitive positions while balancing the needs of the individual and the public. They can even recommend PTSD counselling to the individuals who have gone through the traumatic events.

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