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Bharat Sharma

Last updated July 16, 2023

Diversity and Inclusion Course

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Diversity and Inclusion Course


  • What's are the Requirements to pass the course
  • Requirements: Please make sure you add your first name & last name in your portal so that a certificate of completion can be generated for you. You have seven (7) days from the day you registered to finish this course; after seven days, you will not have access to the course. It is expected to take 45 to 60 minutes per module to reflect, make notes, and practice the skills & concepts. If you do not complete the course in seven days, you fail the course. and in that situation, You will have to register again if you need to complete the course.


  • Optional, the certificate upon completion of course. The certificate of completion will be issued if needed $50 fee is required to process.
  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available
  • Start anytime, self-paced
  • Quiz for self-assessment
  • Work on any device


Online Diversity and Inclusion Course
Online Diversity and Inclusion Course

Online Diversity and Inclusion Course,  Online Classes, Edmonton  | Canada | Certificate | Fees

Diversity and inclusion are significant in the workplace, and if we are going to be honest, they always have been. If you look back on your history, some of the most significant innovations, the ones that shake up the status quo at the time, usually come out of outliers.
Today, they wouldn’t be outliers in an ideal world. Still, at the time, when most societies were dominated by a predominantly male group of the majority ethnicity in a region, these people were often indeed social outliers.

What is a diversity and inclusion Course?

Diversity and inclusion are essential for three critical reasons. There are probably 1 million reasons, but I just boiled them down to three significant ones that are relatable. First, it’s only fair. We’re all human. Every race, creed, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, and so on is equally capable of unique talents and insight for a given industry. These things don’t impact somebody’s ability to perform admirably in a discipline.

Importance of diversity and inclusion?

Diversity is a highly productive thing to have, provided you’ve implemented it correctly and you’ve also undergone sensitivity training to handle it with grace. A meeting of minds coming from very different backgrounds eliminates what’s known as an echo chamber effect.
Even when conflict arises from this clash of ideologies, conflict and resolution could bring new solutions before more significant disasters realize them.


Why diversity and inclusion classes?

This should be your lesser priority on a moral level; is your organization’s social view otherwise? More than ever, an organization that doesn’t encourage diversity and inclusion doesn’t get good PR. Bad PR is a death sentence, especially in the Digital millennium and a post-social media world.

What are the general topics that diversity and inclusion cover?

We can only summarize, but one of the big focuses in dealing with diversity and inclusion is how to do this gracefully. It can be tricky because, at the end of the day, you have to choose the best candidate for the job when you’re running a business. It would be just as unfair to hire somebody less qualified simply because they check off demographic boxes. This happens often, and it’s the wrong way to go about it.

In another way, there is some topical overlap when placing this and sensitivity training in a Venn diagram. You must learn how to conduct yourself conscientiously so that you don’t inadvertently offend somebody of a very different cultural, philosophical, or even religious background.

It can happen as quickly as some simple, harmless idiom you’ve been reciting. It has some negative meaning in the eyes of another demographic, one that you never even knew was there. This is another thing that happens a lot, and it’s usually, at worst, embarrassing, but through this course, you can learn how to avoid most of this. However, when this happens, you will also be equipped to understand how to diffuse any clashes or accidental offenses that occur smoothly.

You also learn how to be conducive and accommodating via inclusivity to people with potential special needs due to disabilities. It’s a complex topic, but one that you absolutely must master if you want to be a successful, fair, and respected organization in the 21st century.

12 Modules of Online Diversity and inclusion Course
  • Module 1: Getting Started with Diversity Inclusion
  • Module 2: Understanding Diversity
  • Module 3: Racial Diversity
  • Module 4: Employees with Disabilities
  • Module 5: Pregnant Employees
  • Module 6: The Power of Inclusive Language
  • Module 7: Sexual Harassment
  • Module 8: Employees Age as a protected ground
  • Module 9: LGBTQ
  • Module 10: Sensitivity Training
  • Module 11: Handling Diversity Complaints
  • Module 12: Wrapping Up with Diversity Inclusion
Benefits of Online Diversity Inclusion Course
  • Instant certificate upon completion of course requirements
  • Quiz for self-assessment
  • Start anytime, self-paced,
  • 24 hours a day, 7 (Seven) days a week available.
  • The course can also be taken on any device

Online Diversity Inclusion Requirements;


  • Please make sure you add your first name & last name in your portal if you need the certificate of completion.
  • You have seven (7) days from the day you registered to finish this course; after seven days, you will not have access to the course.
  • It is expected to take 45 to 60 minutes per module to reflect, make notes, and practice the skills & concepts.
  • If you do not complete the course in seven days, or you fail the course. In that situation, You must register again to complete the course.

Online Diversity Inclusion course in Edmonton, online  classes, Diversity Inclusion course near me




You'll Learn about techniques methods and processes of Diversity and Inclusion
Requirements: Please make sure you add your first name & last name in your portal so that a certificate of completion can be generated for you. You have seven (7) days from the day you registered to finish this course; after seven days, you will not have access to the course. It is expected to take 45 to 60 minutes per module to reflect, make notes, and practice the skills & concepts. If you do not complete the course in seven days, you fail the course. and in that situation, You will have to register again if you need to complete the course.