What Is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Do You Need Assistance In Dealing With Your Emotions, Thoughts And Behaviour?

If yes, then here are ways to deal with your emotional problems. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy is a type of an action oreinted approach that focuses to help individuals in dealing with irrational reliance and assist them in learning  how to manage their emotions and behaviours in a healthier, more naturalist way. Moreover, it also help people to recognize and alter those beliefs and negative thinking patterns which can  overcome psychological challenges and mental distress.

What Is Rational-Emotive Therapy?

Albert Ellis introduced rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) in the 1950s. This is an approach that assists you in identifying irrational beliefs and negative thought patterns that may lead to emotional or behavioural issues. After identifying these patterns, a therapist will assist you in developing strategies to replace them with more rational thought patterns.

What Are The Benefits Of Treating This?

REBT counselling can be beneficial for people living with a variety of issues, that includes:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addictive behaviours
  • Phobias
  • Overwhelming feelings of anger, guilt, or rage
  • Procrastination
  • Disordered eating habits
  • Aggression
  • Sleep problems

How Does Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy Work?

Many people are unaware of how incorrect self-perceptions affect their behaviours in crucial relationships and circumstances. One of the cornerstones of cognitive behavioural therapies, rational emotive behaviour therapy’s principles, was Aaron Beck’s source of inspiration for developing CBT. This will build an ideology that you are necessary to yourself and also ensure that you should avoid the negative opinion of others regarding you as you will be demotivated, making you feel low.

Here are some of the methods that the therapy follows in the ABCDE model:

  • Activating event: The external event that triggers how we feel or think.
  • Belief: This is our automatic beliefs about the event, ourselves, and others.
  • Consequence: Your emotional or behavioural responses.
  • Dispute: When you question these beliefs.
  • Effective behaviour: When you have limited irrational beliefs and have changed your behaviour.

Therefore, through this process you can ensure the understanding of your irrational mental state that lead to the negative thoughts and conseuences.

When Is Rational-Emotive Therapy Used?

This form of cognitive behavioural therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT), assists patients in challenging unproductive thinking to prevent unpleasant emotions or behaviours. Someone can overcome absurd ideas and feelings using rational, emotive behaviour therapy.

Therapists can also use REBT to treat behaviours like overeating and violence and feelings like melancholy, rage, and guilt.

What To Expect From Rational-Emotive Behavioural Therapy?

Here are some of the beneficial bullets that you can attain from attending the therapy of the same.

  • Problem-solving

You can describe the “A” in the ABCDE model by developing effective problem-solving techniques.

When you approach problem-solving rationally, you take the below mentioned steps:

  • Identify the problem.
  • Think of alternate solutions.
  • Make decisions.
  • Implement a solution.
  • Check that your solution is effective.
  • Mental restructuring

Coping And Managing:

Life is full of difficulties, and how we respond to those difficulties is how we cope. You can take immediate action to adjust your situation if you feel burned out at work by, among other things, attempting relaxation techniques or listening to music.

What Is The Difference Between REBT And CBT?

Although cognitive behavioural theorists established both techniques, REBT differs from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Both methods presuppose that changing your thinking will alter your feelings and behaviours, and cognitive distortions or flawed thought processes cause that distress.

Here are the nociable diffrences:

  • The therapist actively participates and guides the sessions in REBT and CBT, assisting the client by providing instruction.
  • The goal of CBT is to alter the person’s present behaviours. It focuses on bad behaviour and entails teamwork between the therapist and the client.
  • The objective of REBT is to alter the person’s illogical thoughts. It helps clients in adopting a more optimistic mindset. The therapist confronts the client to encourage change during therapy sessions.

Summing it up :

We hope that you liked the blog and now understand that the consequence of an individual’s behaviour is a result of their irrational beliefs toward an activating event, and this can be either positive or negative. The significance of irrational beliefs are the emotional, behavioural, and cognitive final results of holding on to these thoughts. The effects can be damaging to an individual’s mental health and well-being. You can change your perceptions and beliefs so they don’t lead to anxiety or depression. This can also change your erroneous thought patterns by recognizing them through cognitive restructuring.

In order to have professional therapy you can connect with us at Edmonton Counselling Services if you feel any of the symptoms or think that you need advice to treat the rational-emotive therapy. We will be happy to treat you as our experts are licensed and have excellent patient treatment experience.

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