Depression Counselling and Therapy for Emotional Well-Being

Blog / / Depression Counselling and Therapy for Emotional Well-Being

In the present time, many people are dealing with depression due to stress about their careers and families, among many other reasons. If we look at the data, we will see that youths from the age group of 10 to 19 are suffering more. According to the WHO report of 2021, the age group of 10 to 19 years has and is facing mental disorders that account for 13% of the global burden of disease in this age group.
Depression, behavioral disorders, and anxiety are the most significant causes of disability among adolescents. To escape everything quickly, some also opt for suicidal options that lead to accidental death, which is traumatizing for their family members. Knowing the causes of depression is critical, as is understanding how to treat it effectively. So, continue reading the blog to learn more about depression and how the Edmonton counselling service can be helpful.

A Basic Understanding of the Depression

To start further, it is necessary to know about depression. This is a type of mood disorder that can take different forms; some may take many months or years to recover from it. When a person is depressed, they might have feelings of sadness; they might also feel that they are empty and that people are judging them for no reason. If you talk to them, they might think they are guilty of anything they might not have done. It may be very challenging to live with depression for both the person experiencing it and those around them. But because of the nature of the illness, getting treatment is frequently put off.

Prominent Causes of Depression

Here are some of the significant causes of depression:

Imbalance of the Brain:

This can be biologically caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain sections that handle thoughts, mood, behavior, food, and sleep patterns.


Long-term emotional or persistent physical pain increases the risk of depression by a substantial margin.

Hormone levels:

Depression and stress are also caused by the change in the female and male hormones; the levels of progesterone and estrogen are different when the female is in their menstrual cycle.

Medical conditions:

Certain illnesses, such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, heart attack, sleeplessness, chronic pain, and chronic illness, may increase your risk.

Childhood Trauma:

This is the most common cause that is seen in kids: they are facing any kind of childhood trauma. Children can be affected by fights between their parents or any mishaps in front of them. Sometimes, children are also bullied in school, but they are unable to disclose this to their parents due to fear of facing scoldings. This leads to a stressful situation when they grow up and when there is no one for them to discuss.

The structure of the brain:

Less activity in the frontal lobe of the brain increases the likelihood of depression. Whether this occurs before or after the start of depression symptoms is unknown to scientists.

Family history:

Yes, this can be genetic, as it depends on the person’s body and how they react according to their mood. Sometimes, biological factors are also responsible for the kids having stress or depression. The generation is passing that, which is not good, but you can’t resist.

Substance abuse:

Liquor or any other drug is bad for the body. This is true. A past history of drug or alcohol abuse may impact your risk. But if you are involved in taking drugs, then this might lead to early depression.

Therapy for depression

Here are some of the therapies for depression that you can undertake or ask your loved ones if they are suffering from depression.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

As the name suggests, this depends on the patient’s behavior patterns. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can assist someone in narrowing their attention to present issues and potential solutions. Practicing new abilities in the “real world” is a common part of it. Treatments for depression, anxiety, trauma-related illnesses, eating disorders, and other conditions can benefit from CBT.

Supportive therapy

By attending Edmonton supportive therapy, the patient will gain and build respect and self-esteem; it also lessens anxiety by strengthening the mechanism to cope with all external harmful sources. By strictly undergoing this strategy, you can face the social community confidently. It also helps patients deal with issues related to their mental health conditions, which in turn affect the rest of their lives.

Psychodynamic counseling

Behavior and mental health are derived from early life and experiences, if this therapy is believed. It entails bringing potentially unconscious (beyond a person’s awareness) feelings into conscious awareness.

Interpersonal therapy (IPT)

It is a brief type of therapy given by Edmonton counselors that assists patients in comprehending underlying problematic interpersonal issues, such as unresolved grief, shifts in social or professional responsibilities, disagreements with influential people, and interpersonal difficulties.

In Short

Through this blog, you have gained knowledge about how you can treat depression. Depression is not normal because people who are suffering from it can’t face the crowd, and they also lower their self-esteem. People who have a family history of depression and people with severe chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer are at increased risk of depression. But by taking advantage of the Edmonton Counselling services, you will quickly deal with all these problems. The expert professionals and certified counsellors will help the person in every way to make them comfortable in public and to reverse the depression in a short time.