What Is Somatic Experiencing Therapy?

Blog / / What Is Somatic Experiencing Therapy?

In modern times, if you are not talking with anyone, you might be having any problem leading to stress or any other issue that cannot be discussed with anybody. This can be mentally problematic for everyone. This might also cause trauma that can register within our bodies on a cellular level. Undoubtedly, social media also influences external factors like materialistic pleasure or the achievements of other prominent people and can lead to demotivation. When you go for therapy or a counselling session, there are chances that you will get mental satisfaction. The therapist must make you feel comfortable if you are suffering from any pain. In this blog, you will learn how to treat somatic experiencing therapy by contacting the experts or professionals. To know more about this, continue reading the blog.

What is somatic therapy?

The somatic experiencing therapy near me is a holistic procedure for emotional healing that acknowledges the intricate relationship between the body and mind. It is not like traditional therapy, which includes counselling. Unlike conventional talk therapies, the definition of somatic therapy depends on the physical sensations and experiences stored in the body to address emotional issues. This therapy will help you to explore your body and then relieve all the tension and trauma through the breath and mindful movements. By tapping into the body’s wisdom, somatic therapy helps individuals access deeper layers of emotions and promotes healing on a profound level. Through this innovative approach, somatic therapy near me offers a unique and effective pathway to holistic well-being by integrating the body’s language into the emotional healing process.

How does somatic therapy work?

Somatic therapy is a holistic approach to psychotherapy that integrates the mind and body to address and release stored physical and emotional tension. The process typically involves several key steps:

  1. Assessment: The therapist begins by assessing the client’s physical and emotional state, exploring past traumas, and identifying areas of tension or discomfort.
  2. Body Awareness: Clients are guided to develop awareness of bodily sensations, feelings, and movements. This involves paying attention to how emotions manifest physically, such as muscle tension or changes in breathing.
  3. Breath and Movement: Somatic therapy techniques like deep breathing and gentle movements are introduced to promote relaxation and help clients connect with their bodies. This can aid in releasing tension and facilitating emotional expression.
  4. Expressive Techniques: Clients may be encouraged to express emotions through movement, voice, or other non-verbal expression. This can help release stored emotions and trauma.
  5. Integration: Therapists work with clients to integrate newfound awareness and release into their daily lives. This may involve developing coping strategies, changing behavioural patterns, and fostering a more balanced mind-body connection.
  6. Mindfulness: Somatic experiencing therapy online incorporates mindfulness practices, fostering present-moment awareness to help individuals stay connected with their bodies and emotions.

By combining these elements, somatic therapy aims to address both the physical and emotional aspects of psychological issues, promoting overall well-being and healing.

What are the types of somatic therapies?

Different types of somatic therapy exercises can work perfectly and can treat you by relaxing you mentally.

The Hakomi Method

This type of therapy embraces the wisdom of the body and mind. It’s like unravelling the unique story your body tells. In Hakomi therapy, you are fostering self-discovery and healing. Your mind will also pay attention to listening—not only talking, but also listening to the language and then encoding it. It unveils unconscious thoughts and emotions through mindful, non-invasive techniques, fostering self-awareness. Like a compassionate detective, this method helps us understand and release old habits, promoting healing from the inside out.

Bioenergetic analysis

The bioenergetic analysis delves into the connection between emotions and the physical body. In this approach, the body is a living, breathing diary chronicling our life experiences. With the help of gentle exercises and mindful exploration, bioenergetic analysis encourages the release of stored emotional energy, promoting a harmonious balance between mind and body. In simple language, it is like unlocking the secrets of your body, unravelling the tales it holds in every muscle twitch and breath. In this therapy, the therapist will help you decode the body’s silent language, fostering healing from within.

Biodynamic psychotherapy

This psychotherapy works in a dance way to take your mood to a better level by releasing toxic things. The therapist leads people toward self-discovery by listening to the subtle rhythms and tensions, much like a trained conductor. Biodynamic psychotherapy, based on the idea that the body harbours unresolved emotions, encourages examining physical experiences to reveal hidden stories. It’s a singular experience in which the body’s language becomes an effective means of transformation and healing.


Brainspotting believes in the body’s wisdom, using eye positions to unlock hidden treasures of unresolved trauma. This novel method whispers secrets that words cannot express, allowing your body to lead in communication. With brainspotting, the healing process occurs in silence as your body tells the tale.

What are the benefits of somatic therapy Edmonton?

Here are some of the advantages of somatic therapy that you can get from it:

Physical Well-Being: It can alleviate physical symptoms associated with stress, such as muscle tension and headaches.

Improved self-awareness: clients better understand their body’s signals and learn to respond to them, enhancing self-awareness.

Body-Mind Connection: Somatic therapy focuses on the connection between the body and mind, recognizing that emotions and experiences are stored in the body.

Stress Reduction: Somatic techniques can reduce stress by promoting relaxation through body awareness and mindfulness.

Trauma Healing: It helps in processing and releasing trauma by addressing physical sensations associated with distressing memories.

Enhanced Emotional Regulation: Somatic therapy aids in regulating emotions by identifying and addressing bodily sensations linked to specific feelings.

Summing it up

This blog has explained somatic therapy and how to manage your mental and physical well-being. This blog also highlights that your mind and body are connected, so maintaining emotional and physical health is very important.

Unlike traditional talk therapies, which focus solely on thoughts and feelings, somatic therapy ventures into the tangible, exploring the body’s language. By tapping into breath, movement, and the felt sense of experience, somatic therapy offers a holistic roadmap to unravelling emotional knots.

Through this dynamic interplay, individuals can release stored tension, process past traumas, and rediscover a sense of embodiment. Somatic therapy whispers to the body, inviting it to co-author the script of emotional well-being, making it a powerful and innovative ally on the path to holistic healing.

If you can’t attend the session offline by being at the clinic, you can also take the somatic therapy online. That will be more convenient, and you won’t have to be in a rush or feel uncomfortable. You can talk openly by being online, and the therapist will also listen.