Addiction Therapist Edmonton

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Addiction treatment

understanding the  Addiction

Addiction Therapist;  Do you have a friend or a loved one around addicted to any drug that is harming them? Do you feel helpless when you want to help?

You need to understand that there are specific measures that you can take to help them through their addiction.  There are many hospitals, clinics, and simple setups for such people. But making an addict visit these facilities is the hardest step. And these facilities have proven positive among addicts.

It is our duty as a society to help those who need it. Addiction is of various types. And it is not as simple as it looks. It merely is not the will that needs fixing.

What is addiction?

Addiction is a chronic repetitive behavior associated with a drug, alcohol, other hallucinogens, or even behavioral patterns.  People who indulge in addiction cannot break the use pattern of their addiction no matter how much they want to.

Addiction can be of various types. It is not always alcohol and drugs. Addiction can be to sex, gambling, shopping, games, opiates, and cocaine.

How does someone get addicted?

An addict has a physiologic compulsion disorder to need to do specific behaviors or repetitively use drugs. The addition of an addict slowly makes tolerance that they need a little more of it to satisfy themselves the next time.

And upon withdrawal from a particular addiction, they have withdrawal symptoms that can be very hard to face and put themselves through it without any help. Hence for such patients, addiction counseling is essential.

Withdrawal symptoms

Upon leaving their addiction, addicts can have several symptoms where their brain forces them to continue the habit. Depending on the type of addiction, it can start between 4-10 hours and last up to 8 to ten days. And usually, the addict returns to his/her old habits.

Specific common symptoms are;

  • Body aches
  • Stomach aches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Severe sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Lethargy
  • Shivering
  • Anger out lash
  • Violent behavior and self-harm

Types of addiction

Addiction is a broad term, and there are many types, but the experts have characterized them all under two main categories;

Chemical Addiction and  Behavioral addiction

They are differentiated upon using a substance like a drug or another oral, intravenous, or Intramuscular concoction. And on behavior that is repetitive and a compulsion

Biology of addiction

Addiction targets the brain cells, the neurons that all make the circuits. They make them impulse fast, giving them a feeling of euphoria only for a little while. When the impulse slows, addiction increases.

There are four significant stages of addiction that need to be kept in mind.

  • The experimental phase is a harmless phrase, but it all starts with experimentation.
  • Regular use and abuse
  • Dependency and tolerance
  • Addiction

How to spot someone is gone through an addiction

Please keep your eyes open for signs of addiction, it is prevalent, and the addict might not even know. If you can spot an addict, it will be easier for them to realize the problem of addiction as well.

  • Lack of interest in daily routine, work, or school
  • Difficulty in focusing and poor performance
  • Sudden change in personality and always wanting more privacy
  • A noticeable change in the level of energy
  • Financial problems
  • Making excuses for their behavior
  • Defensive when pointed out
  • Bloodshot eyes, poor skin, poor hygiene
  • Change in relationships
  • Altered appetite

How to help someone suffering from an addiction

If you know someone with an addiction problem, do not belittle them, or they will be even more private. The best thing you can do is very softly confront them about their addiction. Please show them your concern and help them decide to go for addiction counseling or therapy. Offer them your availability to be with them while they visit a counselor. Make them feel like they are not alone in this.  Most addicts are in denial and will not agree with you. But do not expect a change in just one day. Addiction problems need to be addressed slowly and carefully.

What to help a family member with addiction with?

If you have a loved one or a friend needing help with addiction; what you can do is;

  • Not make them feel embarrassed.
  • Help them see the problem, help them out of denial.
  • Respect their privacy.
  • If they disagree, do not give up.
  • If they are afraid of the consequences, give them confidence.
  • Let them know they are not alone.
  • Be honest with them.
  • And most importantly, help them go for addiction counseling.

Addiction Therapist provides therapy

  • With emerging times and advancements, more and more people become addicts due to increasing work, society, school, office, and even parenting pressure. It is not something anyone opts for. Addiction can go hidden for decades until realized and seen by the addict him or herself. Addiction counseling has shown many positive changes among people who seek out addiction therapists.  experts. Addiction counselors are professionals who understand the biology of addiction, respect them and treat it like any other disease. The Edmonton counseling services have provided help to many families and people; Bharat Sharma is a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (U.S. DOT), and Canadian Clinical Supervisor in Addiction counseling.  He has been practicing counseling for over ten years. The facility includes counseling for addiction in general and also for alcohol addiction. He believes that addictive behaviors can be treated with continuous support and counseling. Counseling is provided to the family on how to support and cope with addiction and one-to-one privately.
  • Addiction Therapist Edmonton