Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)

Substance Abuse Edmonton; Are you afraid that your spouse might have an addiction? You aren’t alone. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, around 6 million Canadians suffer from substance abuse disorder. And behind each addicted individual is a family that is also heavily affected by this disease. There are wives, husbands, children, parents, and siblings who are all touched by this disease. It is no surprise, then, that one of the most significant factors for an addict’s successful recovery is the support of their family. Indeed, family plays a crucial role in the addiction recovery process. So, what should you do if you suspect that your partner might be addicted? Before anything else, Edmonton Counselling Services suggests you follow these quick steps.

Symptoms Substance Abuse

Before you move forward, your first step should be to identify whether your partner has any symptoms of addiction. Physical signs are the easiest and most foolproof way to identify substance abuse. The exact physical symptoms will vary depending on the exact substance your loved one is taking. For example, those experiencing opioid abuse will commonly have nausea, drowsiness, and constricted pupils. According to Medical News Today, if the addicted person suffers withdrawal, which happens quite quickly in some cases, they will likely experience moodiness, frustration, insomnia, trembling, and sweating.

Behavioral and emotional symptoms are also common. Your partner may have sudden unexplained financial issues, extra pills bottles in the garbage, or could be taking more than the prescribed dosage. If your loved one attempts to cut down or stop using but then fails, this is also a sign they could be addicted. Other behavioral symptoms include obsession with the addiction, increased risk-taking, and disruption of everyday life activities. If any of these describe your spouse, it’s time to move on to the next step.

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Seeking Help

While it might be embarrassing or even challenging to reach out for help when your partner is an addict, it is necessary. Because it isn’t you who is addicted, it can be challenging to convince your partner they need help. Bringing up the topic could result in anger and denial from your partner. The Huffington Post states that there are six specific ways to convince your spouse to get help. The most popular solution is an intervention, but discussing with your partner what will happen if they don’t stop or introducing them to a former addict can also be of great help.

Heal Together

After your spouse has sought help, it’s essential to healing as a couple. Addiction can take a huge toll, and if your partner has gone to rehab, they may have been gone for a while. Take time to rebuild your relationship, and don’t expect things to return to normal right away. Connect with an addiction specialist and counselor Bharat Sharma of Edmonton Counseling Services, to address challenges and find a way forward through couples therapy. Making this step together can help you fortify your relationship, making your foundation stronger.

It’s also crucial that you find ways to relax and relieve stress and tension. This could include starting a fitness program together, spending more time outdoors, and removing stressors in your home. A cluttered and unkempt home can lead to excessive criticism, arguing, and all-around negativity. Promote positivity in your home by decluttering, minimizing messes, and letting in some fresh air.

Protect Yourself

While we all want to be there for our partners, sometimes it’s in everyone’s best interest to step away. It’s not uncommon for emotional abuse to occur in a relationship when one of the partners is addicted. Substance abuse can cause a deterioration of financial stability, relationships, and health. Sometimes it’s best to get off the ship before it sinks, especially if your spouse refuses to get treatment. A separation, even if temporary, can prevent you from unintentional harm and allow you to save what you can of your financial and familial stability. This step is crucial if you have children. Remember, even if your spouse is addicted, your first responsibility is to care for yourself and your children. If you can’t do that and stay with your addicted partner, it might be time to step away.

Addiction can tear a family apart. If your partner is addicted, it can be hard to figure out your next step. Hopefully, this guide provides you with the knowledge you need to kickstart your partner’s recovery and help you cope with their disease.

To learn more about Edmonton Counselling Services, visit our website or call today. 780-328-7706

Substance Abuse Edmonton