How Does The Counselling Of Trauma Unravelling The Layers Of Pain?

Blog / / How Does The Counselling Of Trauma Unravelling The Layers Of Pain?

In modern times, children and adults are unable to share their problems, which leads to trauma and depression. This also affects the mental health of people and sometimes makes them introverted. Life may show its authentic self when it even seems to be against our expectations. Occasionally, it can be a personal tragedy, sometimes a global crisis, or even those who are victims of a violent crime; trauma is the standard clinical term for psychological stress after an unpleasant event.

These bad happenings can arouse contradicting feelings in us, like horror, disorientation, and frightfulness, if they are not treated instantly. 

Counselling in Edmonton for the trauma expresses oneself and also assists them to be out of the stress and pain by disclosing all those things that others cannot share. By reading this blog, you will acknowledge how you can help yourself and others near you fight their thoughts. So, continue reading it. 

Elaboration of Trauma: 

Before using counseling approaches, it is necessary to understand the depth of the trauma. Posttraumatic events encompass a wide variety of situations, from child abuse to combat exposure, from natural disasters to traffic accidents. The interactions might endure in people’s minds, influencing their thinking, feeling, and being. It mostly happens during the early years, firmly bearing on one’s psyche, self, and peers. Unlike PTSD, which is caused by one short-lived traumatic experience, complex trauma is caused by systemic, prolonged, and pervasive exposure to adverse conditions. Complex trauma is a psychopathological construct that refers to psychological pain that results from exposure to traumatic events over an extended period, especially during childhood. Distinctively, complex trauma does not start with a single traumatic experience but with continuous exposure to adversities, most likely from interpersonal experiences. 

Major Symptoms of Trauma:

Emotional Dysregulation: Individuals with C-PTSD frequently perceive changes in their overall emotional well-being with the manifestation of high levels of sadness, anger, shame, or fear. These emotions can appear exaggerated compared to what is happening in the present, and handling them might be challenging.


Distorted self-perception: C-PTSD may result in distorted or disturbed identity development. Survivors are often plagued by a multitude of unhappy emotions, such as shame, guilt, and the feeling of being devoid of any value. They might have a hard time getting their self-understanding organised and firmly established. 

Difficulty Forming Attachments: Secure attachment is a key to emotional well-being and happiness. By taking the best edmonton counseling services for complex trauma, you can prevent the nurturing of secure attachments, which correlate with problems in relationship formation and maintenance. People may demonstrate anxiety about being left alone, trust issues, or resistance to emotional attachment. 

Re-Experiencing Trauma: People with complex trauma often flash back to their horrifying past through intrusive memories, nightmares, or flashbacks. They may re-experience this through traumatic recollections, and this can be caused by events that had nothing to do with the trauma itself, thus leading to further heightened anxiety and distress.

Avoidance Behaviours: The standard response of people suffering traumatic stress is that of avoidance. This is expressed as less socialising and avoiding people, places, or situations that remind them of the traumatic event. It is a decent step, but later, it may become an obstacle to personal and professional development and increase the degree of social detachment. 

Difficulty with Identity and Self-Concept: Complex trauma can be manifested by a lack of well-established self-esteem and a positive self-concept. The lost sense of self may cause a personal identity crisis, resulting in uncertainty about one’s own values and goals and the ability to develop a sense of self.

Impaired Interpersonal Relationships: Both creating and sustaining healthy relationships may be troublesome for those who have experienced complex trauma. You can trust that concerns, exposure of weakness, and structuring of limits can all lead to deteriorated interpersonal relationships by taking online trauma counselling in Edmonton. 

The Layers of Pain: 

1. Surface Reactions:

Most likely, the outer surface of trauma symptoms is superficial—those noticeable reactions that are apparent and faster to respond. These could consist of excessive anxiety, panic attacks, hypervigilance, and avoidance behaviours. These reactions are overwhelming, but these are just the surface signs of other, more severe wounds below the surface.

2. Emotional Suppression:

Unfortunately, this is not the whole story. Some people are adept at suppressing their feelings and can mask their emotions underneath their surface reactions. Lots of people with trauma choose to reject those feelings because they fear how strong their emotions may be. This repression may result in a person feeling numb or disconnected and, therefore, may be an additional barrier to healing.

3. Cognitive Distortions:

Trauma can change how we view ourselves, others, and the environment. Negative self-beliefs and self-blame may distort our perception, leading to a growing sense of guilt, shame, or unworthiness. Such cognitive distortions represent another layer of suffering we experience, albeit the one that is more silent and, therefore, becomes easily mapped onto our attitudes and behaviours. 

How Can Counsellors Help in Treating?

When you are taking the counselling session, the Edmonton trauma therapist can heal you from within by focusing on the primary reasons that you are suppressing and unable to say to everybody. The counsellor will also make you feel safe by providing a supportive environment. This sense of safety is crucial for individuals to unravel the layers of pain and vulnerability. They will also assist clients in challenging the cognitive distortions that perpetuate their suffering. Collectively, they explore harmful cognitive habits, challenge assumptions, and foster a more impartial viewpoint. People can begin to unravel the tangles of self-blame and self-doubt and start the process of healing and growth by rephrasing false ideas. 

 Wrapping up 

This blog has shed light on all the significant things that you need to know about if you are suffering from the pain of trauma. Individuals and their support systems can start the process of healing and recovery by identifying the signs and effects of repeated exposure to trauma. Prioritising mental health and getting professional help when necessary is essential since recovering from complicated trauma frequently requires teamwork. Through the process of trauma counselling Edmonton, people set out to peel back these layers and face their grief head-on with compassion and bravery. Trauma counseling services in Edmonton offer a way to healing and transformation by establishing a safe environment, investigating traumatic experiences, questioning erroneous ideas, accepting emotional expression, and developing coping mechanisms. Edmonton online trauma counseling services work magic if you want to deal with past scenarios in life.